أعمال رعاية الأطفال

هذا منهج شامل للأعمال التجارية مصمم خصيصاً لأصحاب ومسؤولي مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة. يغطي هذا المنهج خطط الأعمال، وقيادة الأعمال (التوظيف، وما إلى ذلك)، والتسويق، والتمويل. وهو يقدم أنشطة وأدوات تعليمية

اتصالات التهدئة: استراتيجيات تخفيف حدة التوتر لمقدمي رعاية الأطفال


Presenters Samantha Stevens Description This interactive and practical workshop offers effective strategies for de-escalating challenging and crisis behaviors and fostering calm, positive connections with young children. Participants will gain tools to prevent conflicts before they arise, as well as techniques to safely manage and de-escalate situations when they do occur. This course will cover key

اتصالات التهدئة


In this two-session interactive and practical workshop, child care providers will learn effective strategies for de-escalating challenging behaviors and fostering calm, positive connections with young children. By understanding the root causes of frustration and distress, participants will gain tools to prevent conflicts before they arise, as well as techniques to safely manage and de-escalate situations


الممارسات التجارية لرعاية الأطفال الأسرية


Family Child Care providers will learn about record-keeping, tax deductions, insurance and professionalism in the family child care business. Providers will be able to examine and evaluate their own methods of business record organization and apply the new tax laws to the business deductions. Question and answer opportunities through out class is encouraged.   Trainer:


الرعاية المتقدمة المستنيرة بالصدمات

هذه الدورة التدريبية وقائمة الانتظار لهذا التدريب ممتلئة، والتسجيل مغلق. الرعاية المستنيرة بالصدمات: سلسلة تعليمية شاملة هل أنت مستعد للتعمق في مبادئ وممارسات الرعاية الواعية بالصدمات النفسية؟ انضم إلينا في هذه التجربة التعليمية الغامرة والعاكسة لاستكشاف التأثير العميق للصدمات والعلاقات على البيولوجيا العصبية. عزّز فهمك لمدى انتشار الصدمات، وحسّن قدرتك على دمج الممارسات الواعية بالصدمات

التفاعل الهادف مع الرضع والأطفال الصغار


Presenters Jesi Sucku Description The first few years of a child’s life are the most important for building connections and fostering development. In this training, we will discuss techniques for interacting with infants and toddlers to give them the best possible start. Event Notes The Zoom link will be sent out 1-2 days before the

أن تكون التغيير: حلول واستراتيجيات للاستجابة للسلوكيات الصعبة

افتراضي عبر ZOOM

This training will discuss self-regulation techniques, practices and skills for adults to master in order to better support children in learning self-regulation skills. We will discuss a core collection of skills and how they relate to us as adults as well as how we can use these to support children in developing desired social emotional

كل طفل وطفلة: لماذا الإنصاف مهم

Research shows it is critical that there is equity in early learning for children and families of all racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds. And why is this? Why does equity matter? In this beginner’s level training, we’ll look at the differences between equality and equity and you’ll discuss how it will look in action

مقدمة في أفضل الممارسات – سلسلة كاملة

افتراضي عبر ZOOM

Sign up for all 4 sessions and save 40%! Each session is 2.5 hours, Participants who complete all 4 sessions will receive 10 STARS Hours. All sessions will be on zoom at 6-8:30PM.   Tuesday, March 25 – Interactions Tuesday, June 3 – Learning Activities Tuesday, September 23 – Routines and Transitions Tuesday, November 4

حوارات مرحة: توسيع اللغة من خلال اللعب


Presenters Jesi Sucku Description This engaging workshop empowers early childhood educators to enrich children’s language development through intentional and playful interactions. Learn how to ask open-ended questions, introduce novel vocabulary, and foster meaningful conversations during play. Discover strategies for supporting social-emotional growth and guiding positive behaviors while creating a language-rich environment where young learners thrive.