Child Care Data & Advocacy in Washington State
At Child Care Aware of Washington, our vision is that all Washington children experience high quality, racially equitable early care and education opportunities that empower them to dream and flourish. But this vision won’t be possible until child care providers can make a living wage and families have universal access to the child care they need.
Child care is a critical part of the Washington state economy, for providers, parents, and employers. Child Care Aware of Washington tracks and analyzes data to monitor trends and identify opportunities to fix the gaps in the child care system.
Child Care for Washington
Child Care Aware of Washington is organizing parents, providers, and advocates to solve Washington’s child care crisis. We have a two-pillar plan to provide living wages and benefits to the child care workforce, and universal access to high-quality care for families limited to 7% of their annual income.
If you’re passionate about joining parents and providers across Washington to solve the child care crisis, join our campaign!
Child Care in Washington State – Data & Statistics
Child Care Aware of Washington provides thorough and independent information and analysis to illustrate the need for healthy child care businesses and equitable access for all families.
State Legislative Agenda
Child Care Aware of Washington, in partnership with providers and families, works to address the inequities in the child care system.
Child Care’s Mounting Costs*
- 49% of Washington parents find it difficult or very difficult to find, afford and keep child care
- 27% of Washington parents quit their job or left school/training due to child care issues
- $6.5 Billion: Total estimated direct and opportunity costs to Washington due to employee child care issues
- *Full Mounting Costs of Child Care report
Advocacy Toolkit
Legislators need to hear from all of us. We invite organizations and individuals to help us advocate for achievable solutions to the child care crisis.