- No events scheduled for March 2, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 3, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 6, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 7, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 8, 2025.
Week of Events
Daryeelka Wargelinta Dhaawaca Sarreysa
Daryeelka Wargelinta Dhaawaca Sarreysa
Fasalkan iyo liiska sugitaanka tababarkani waa buuxaa, isdiiwaangelintuna waa xidhan tahay. Daryeel Xog-ogaaleed oo Dhaawac ah: Taxane Waxbarasho Dhamaystiran Diyaar ma u tahay inaad si qoto dheer u dhex gasho mabaadi'da iyo dhaqamada daryeelka laga warhelay dhaawacyada? Nagu soo biir waayo-aragnimadan waxbarasho ee milicsiga iyo milicsiga leh si aad u sahamiso saamaynta qotodheer ee dhaawacyada
WAPM Hirgelinta Loo Dhan Yahay + Dhaqannada Model Ahraamta Loo Siman Yahay: 1 iyo 2 (Da’da Dhalashada 3) * Abaalmarinta FSKA waa u qalantaa
WAPM Hirgelinta Loo Dhan Yahay + Dhaqannada Model Ahraamta Loo Siman Yahay: 1 iyo 2 (Da’da Dhalashada 3) * Abaalmarinta FSKA waa u qalantaa
*To earn a trauma-informed care award for completing this training, you must have an eligible job role confirmed or verified and be employed by a subsidy provider. Awards are based on available funding.* After taking this training, participants will understand and apply strategies for building relationships and collaborating with families of infants and toddlers; understand
Isdhexgalka Macna leh ee Dhallaanka & Saanqaadyada
Isdhexgalka Macna leh ee Dhallaanka & Saanqaadyada
Presenters Jesi Sucku Description The first few years of a child’s life are the most important for building connections and fostering development. In this training, we will discuss techniques for interacting with infants and toddlers to give them the best possible start. Event Notes The Zoom link will be sent out 1-2 days before the