Ganacsiga Xanaanada Carruurta

Kani waa manhaj ganacsi oo dhamaystiran oo si gaar ah loogu talagalay mulkiilayaasha carruurnimada hore iyo maamulayaasha. Manhajkan waxa uu ka kooban yahay qorshayaasha ganacsiga, hogaaminta ganacsiga (qorsheynta, iwm.), suuqgayn,

Dhiirigeli, Dhiirigeli oo Hogaamiye

Soo dhawoow

Presenters Carol Flynn Description Motivate, Inspire and Lead will explore leadership motivation and inspiration for the work. It will help early learning leaders distinguish who they are as a leader,

Ganacsiga Xanaanada Carruurta

Soo dhawoow

Soo bandhigayaasha Carol Flynn Sharaxaada Kani waa manhaj ganacsi oo dhamaystiran oo si gaar ah loogu talagalay mulkiilayaasha ganacsiga carruurnimada hore & hogaaminta barnaamijka. Manhajkan waxa uu daboolayaa qorshaynta ganacsiga,

Dhaqangelinta Manhajka Degdegga ah

Soo dhawoow

Manhajka degdega ah waa hab u oggolaanaya danaha carruurta yaryar inay hoggaanka qabtaan! Tababarkan, ka qaybgalayaashu waxay ku baran doonaan sida macalimiintu u hirgelin karaan manhajka degdegga ah. Tababarkan ayaa


Xidhiidhada Dejinta: Xeeladaha Dejinta ee Bixiyeyaasha Xannaanada Ilmaha

Soo dhawoow

Presenters Samantha Stevens Description This interactive and practical workshop offers effective strategies for de-escalating challenging and crisis behaviors and fostering calm, positive connections with young children. Participants will gain tools to prevent conflicts before they arise, as well as techniques to safely manage and de-escalate situations when they do occur. This course will cover key

Xidhiidhada Dejinta

Soo dhawoow

In this two-session interactive and practical workshop, child care providers will learn effective strategies for de-escalating challenging behaviors and fostering calm, positive connections with young children. By understanding the root causes of frustration and distress, participants will gain tools to prevent conflicts before they arise, as well as techniques to safely manage and de-escalate situations


Dhaqannada Ganacsiga Xannaanada Carruurta Qoyska

Soo dhawoow

Family Child Care providers will learn about record-keeping, tax deductions, insurance and professionalism in the family child care business. Providers will be able to examine and evaluate their own methods of business record organization and apply the new tax laws to the business deductions. Question and answer opportunities through out class is encouraged.   Trainer:


Daryeelka Wargelinta Dhaawaca Sarreysa

Daryeel Xog-ogaaleed oo Dhaawac ah: Taxane Waxbarasho Dhamaystiran Diyaar ma u tahay inaad si qoto dheer u dhex gasho mabaadi'da iyo dhaqamada daryeelka laga warhelay dhaawacyada? Nagu soo biir waayo-aragnimadan

Isdhexgalka Macna leh ee Dhallaanka & Saanqaadyada

Soo dhawoow

Presenters Jesi Sucku Description The first few years of a child’s life are the most important for building connections and fostering development. In this training, we will discuss techniques for interacting with infants and toddlers to give them the best possible start. Event Notes The Zoom link will be sent out 1-2 days before the

Sahaminta Manhajka Saanqaadka

Sahaminta Manhajka Saanqaadka: Marka manhajku ku salaysan yahay cilmi-baadhis, horumarin, iyo dhaqan, saanqaadyada way horumaraan, macalimiintuna waxay dareemaan qanacsanaan dheeraad ah.


Wadahadalka Ciyaarta leh: Ku Fidinta Luuqada Ciyaarta

Soo dhawoow

Presenters Jesi Sucku Description This engaging workshop empowers early childhood educators to enrich children’s language development through intentional and playful interactions. Learn how to ask open-ended questions, introduce novel vocabulary, and foster meaningful conversations during play. Discover strategies for supporting social-emotional growth and guiding positive behaviors while creating a language-rich environment where young learners thrive.

Barashada Hore ee Trauma Aware

Trauma Aware Early Learning @ Do you want to learn more about Trauma and how it affects young children but do not have time for a 27 hour advanced training??


Sare u qaad Shirka Waxbarashada Hore 2025

Tacoma Convention Center 1500 Commerce St, Tacoma, Washington, United States

Child Care Aware ee Washington waxay ku faantaa inay soo bandhigto Shir sannadeedka 10-aad ee Waxbarashada Hore ee Sare, oo shaqsi ahaan ka dhacaya Oktoobar 15-18 ee Xarunta Shirarka Tacoma.